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Romeo And Juliet Act 5 Answers

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[FREE] Romeo And Juliet Act 5 Answers | HOT!

Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is...

[DOWNLOAD] Romeo And Juliet Act 5 Answers

Holy Franciscan friar, brother, ho! Enter Friar Lawrence. This same should be the voice of Friar John. What says Romeo? Or, if his mind be writ, give me his letter. FRIAR JOHN Going to find a barefoot brother out, 5 One of our order, to associate...

Romeo and Juliet Act 5 study guide questions

Yes, Juliet will be upset that Romeo's not there, but Friar Lawrence will write to him again and they'll get it all sorted out. In the meantime, he can hide Juliet at his cell.

Romeo and Juliet: Act 5, Scenes 1-2 (Grade 9)

They are not destined to be together Act 1 scene 1: Who is fighting at the beginning of the first scene? That the next person to start a public brawl will be put to death Act 1 scene 1: Benolio and Montaguue describe the way Romeo has been acting. What do they say about him Gloomy, cries a lot, not talking, seclusive Act 1 scene 1: Why is Romeo so sad?

romeo and juliet act 5 quiz

To move and find a new girl Act 1 scene 2: Why does Capulet think it will be easy for Montague and him to keep the peace? Because they are both old and tired Act 1 scene 2: What does Paris ask of Capulet? What does he tell Paris? Paris must win her heart and Juliet must agree. Then he will marry them Act 1 scene 2: What is the name of the woman Romeo loves? Rosaline Act 1 scene 2: Where do Romeo and Benvolio decide to go? Go to the party Act 1 scene 3: When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about the marriage, what is Juliets answer?

romeo and juliet act 5?

That many kids get married and have kids at her age, even Lady Capulet, and she is to go to the party and look at Paris Act 1 Scene 4: What does Mercutio say about dreams? That dreams mean nothing Act 1 scene 5: What does Romeo think of Juliet when he firsts sees her? He loves a Capulet Act 2 scene 2: In lines , Juliet asks Romeo not to swear by the moon…why is she afraid of this? It may stop their families feuds Act 2 scene 4: Why has the nurse come to the square? To find out about the wedding arrangements Act 2 scene 4: What information does Romeo give the Nurse? Where and when the wedding will be Act 2 scene 4: Mercutio teases the Nurse, and she is outraged. What does Romeo say about Mercutio to calm her down? Tybalt and he is looking for Romeo Act 3 scene 1: How does Tybalt provoke a fight?

ACT 5. Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers

Because he feels as if Romeo is mocking him Act 3 scene 1: Who ends up actually starting the fight? Mercutio Act 3 scene 1: Who tries to stop the fight? What happens from this intervention? Romeo Act 3 scene 1: What curse does Mercutio call out before he dies? The Prince; and Romeo is banished from Verona. If he is found in Verona he is to be killed on the spot Act 3 scene 1: Why does the Prince have mercy upon Romeo? Because enough blood and tears have been shed on that day Act 3 scene 2: Where is Juliet and what is she waiting for?

Romeo and Juliet

Her bedroom. The Nurse to return with word of Romeo he is supposed to come into her bedroom that night Act 3 scene 2: When the Nurse arrives what does she inform Juliet of? When the Nurse says there was a death and a banishment Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and Tybalt is banished when it is the other way around Act 3 scene 2: What does Juliet say that foreshadows her own death? Is he relieved? He is in despair. He is angered because he feels that Romeo should be happy that mercy was given to him and he can still keep his life Act 3 scene 3: Why does the Friar scold Romeo? They are both crying Act 3 scene 3: What does Romeo try to do as he wails over his situation? He picks up the dagger and tries to kill himself Act 3 scene 3: As Romeo is in despair and after he tries to kill himself what does the Nurse give Romeo and what is its significance?

Top Exams 2021

He feels relieve that Juliet still wants to be with him Act 3 scene 3: What plan does the Friar propose to Romeo? Go console Juliet. Yes Act 3 scene 4: What is the dramatic irony in this scene? What does she tell Juliet? No and she tells her that shes washed her hands from the matter meaning she wants nor has anything to do with this matter Act 3 scene 5: Who does Juliet decide to go to for help? He will have word sent to Romeo, he will prepare the potion for Juliet to take, and then he will be a priest at the funeral Act 4 scene 1: What is Juliet holding in her hand, and what does she propose to do?

Romeo and Juliet Summary and Analysis of Act 5

The wedding is being prepared for Act 4 scene 2: What does Juliet tell her Father That she apologizes for her behavior and will marry Paris Act 4 scene 2: How does Capulet respond to Juliet saying she will happily marry Paris? By moving the time of the wedding to a closer date there is less time to get word to Romeo about their plan Act 4 scene 3: Does Juliet take the Nurse into her confidence?

Romeo and Juliet: Brief Summary act 2-5?

No, Juliet no longer trusts the Nurse and she might give away the plan Act 4 scene 3: What thoughts run through Juliets mind as she is about to take the potion? What is the potion actually kills her. What is she wakes up to early and suffocates. What is the dead spirits of her ancestors haunt her and drive her insane as she is waiting for Romeo Act 4 scene 3: What give Juliet the strength to take the potion? The thought of seeing and being with Romeo again Act 4 scene 3: Who does Juliet toast to as she is about to take the poison?

Trivia Questions Quiz On Romeo And Juliet Act 3 Scene 5

Is he suggesting that the Capulets should be happy? That Juliet is dead Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? The letter from Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet Act 5 scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy before leaving? He stops at an apothecary and buys a deadly poison Act 5 scene 1: When Romeo take a hold of the poison Why does Romeo say that the vile poison is NOT a poison, but a liquid that will GIVE him life Because when he dies it will give him an eternal life with Juliet Act 5 scene 2: Where does Friar Lawrence quickly hurry? Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do? To be laid in Juliets grave Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now?

Romeo and Juliet- Act 5 Quiz and Answer Key

The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo finally sees Juliet lying there what does her notice about her? For her to become a nun Act 5 scene 3: What was the flaw that destroyed Romeo? Rashness Act 5 scene 3: What are the two ways Juliet attempts to kill herself? By kissing Romeo she hoped to intake some of the poison as well, but that failed. She then took her dagger and stabbed herself. Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Capulet will gove Montague the wedding rights land,money, etc.

romeo and juliet act 5 answers

ACT 5. That Juliet is dead Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? That Juliets death was all faked and that she is actually alive Act 5 scene 1: What letter has Romeo been waiting for? The letter from Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet Act 5 scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy before leaving? Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do?

Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Summary and Analysis | GradeSaver

To be laid in Juliets grave Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now? The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo finally sees Juliet lying there what does her notice about her? For her to become a nun Act 5 scene 3: What was the flaw that destroyed Romeo? Rashness Act 5 scene 3: What are the two ways Juliet attempts to kill herself? By kissing Romeo she hoped to intake some of the poison as well, but that failed. She then took her dagger and stabbed herself.

Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Quiz | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Capulet will give Montague the wedding rights land,money, etc.

FREE Romeo and Juliet (IGCSE): Act 5, Scenes 1-2 - Hast Thou No Letters? - Worksheet + ANSWERS

Please Sign Up to get full document. That Juliet is dead Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? That Juliets death was all faked and that she is actually alive Act 5 scene 1: What letter has Romeo been waiting for? The letter from Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet Act 5 scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy before leaving? Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do? To be laid in Juliets grave Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now? The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo finally sees Juliet lying there what does her notice about her? For her to become a nun Act 5 scene 3: What was the flaw that destroyed Romeo?

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Rashness Act 5 scene 3: What are the two ways Juliet attempts to kill herself? By kissing Romeo she hoped to intake some of the poison as well, but that failed. She then took her dagger and stabbed herself. Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Capulet will give Montague the wedding rights land,money, etc.

Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Reflection | Romeo and juliet, Romeo, Juliet

When his page whistles, indicating that someone is coming, Paris hides. Romeo and Balthasar enter with torches, a pickax, and a crowbar. Romeo takes the ax and crowbar and gives Balthasar a letter, which he orders him to bring to Montague early the next morning. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the crypt, and orders Balthasar not to interrupt him no matter what—on pain of death. He pays Balthasar for his troubles, wishes him good luck, and bids him goodbye. Paris is, in his grief, just as devoted a lover as Romeo, promising that he will visit Juliet every day to scatter flowers upon her grave and mourn her.

Romeo And Juliet-Act 5 Quiz - ProProfs Quiz

Paris says he will not obey Romeo, and the two begin to fight. Paris falls and dies, begging to be laid to rest next to Juliet. Romeo, afraid that death itself has claimed Juliet to be its own lover, resolves to kill himself near her so that he can stay by her and guard her forever. Romeo uses the poison—as he promised he would—to swiftly escape having to go through life without Juliet by his side. Download Friar Laurence enters the graveyard carrying a torch and crowbar of his own.

Summary Act 5

Seeing a mess strewn about, he asks who is there. Balthasar answers, and tells him that Romeo went down into the crypt half an hour ago. Friar Laurence resolves to go alone into the crypt in spite of his fears. As he enters, he sees the corpses of Romeo and Paris, and laments both their deaths. Friar Laurence has gotten in way over his head. He tried to control fate but has become yet another one of its victims—in his attempts to change his society for the better, he has only struggled in vain. Active Themes Juliet stirs, then wakes. She says hello to Friar Laurence and asks where Romeo is. There is a noise outside the crypt, and Friar Laurence urges Juliet to get up from her bier and follow him out of the tomb.

Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Only then does Juliet notice the bodies around her. As the noise sounds again, Friar Laurence tells Juliet that he is leaving right away—and she should come, too, so that he can send her away to hide in a nunnery. Juliet wakes up out of her potion-induced sleep to find a horrible massacre around her—her worst fears have come true. Given the option of running away with Friar Laurence to a nunnery or facing a life without Romeo, Juliet is stuck between two undesirable ends.

ACT 5. Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers -

Active Themes Friar Laurence leaves, and Juliet is left alone in the tomb. She checks the cup to see if there is any poison left, so that she can join him in death, but curses him for drinking it all. She kisses his lips, hoping to ingest even a drop, but there is none left in his mouth. Juliet and Romeo have both used potions and poisons as a means of escaping the consequences of their actions.

Romeo and Juliet/act 5 scene 1

Now, with no way out, Juliet is torn between facing her family or hiding away in a nunnery for the rest of her life. The prince urges the Capulets and Montague to quiet down and stopper their sadness and rage until the investigation is complete and the truth is known. He orders his watchmen to bring forth the suspects. Even though Romeo, Juliet, and Paris are dead, there is little time for mourning—Prince Escalus is determined to get to the bottom of what happened in hopes of rooting out the destruction of Verona at the hands of these two warring houses once and for all. Active Themes Friar Laurence speaks up to clear the air. In trying to soothe her, he says, her parents married her to Paris—but only drove Juliet further into her grief. The friar admits to giving Juliet a potion which would make her appear dead so that she could run away with Romeo, then explains how the plan went awry.

Romeo and Juliet: Brief Summary act ? | Yahoo Answers

After realizing Romeo would not receive word of the scheme, Friar Laurence came to the crypt to retrieve Juliet—but when he arrived, he found Romeo and Paris dead, and could not convince Juliet to follow him away from the tomb. He insists that he only wanted to help them—but his conscience cannot let him escape his complicity in their unhappy ends. Active Themes Prince Escalus brings forth Balthasar and asks him to say his peace. Prince Escalus is fed up with the violence and tragedy in his community and is determined to root it out through an investigation which lays bare who is responsible for what, and why. Romeo and Juliet are dead, and their parents will mourn them for the rest of their lives—all because of their silly feud. The proceedings are not yet finished, the prince says—he calls everyone gathered at the crypt to come with him so that some can be pardoned while others receive punishment. Active Themes.

Romeo and Juliet, Act 5 Scene 3?

In lines Romeo says that Juliet does not appear to be dead. Could you please explain me the dramatic irony in what he says and what effect it has on the situation? Does it increase the tension? Make the audience more involved or the scene more tragic? Throught the play Romeo says he is a victim of fate. Could you please describe me breafly when and how? And in this scene in wich line does he repeat that? Several times during the play life is compared to a sea journey. How does the metaphor in line 24 extend this image? When Friar Lawrence enters the tomb he speaks in esclamations and questions. What does the way he speak reveal abot his state of mind? I think it shows us how frightened, because the sentinel is coming, and shocked, because of Paris' and Romeo's deaths, he is. Answear only if you disagree with me or have something to add; 5. Find references to the setting of the scene and how do you imagine the stage should be set for the scene?

Romeo and Juliet Act 5 study guide questions -

What kind of atmosphere do you think the setting should create? What according to friar Lawrence has caused his plan to fail? What reason does Romeo give for committing suicide? I know these are a lot of questions so, if you don't feel like answering to all of them that's fine! You can also answer just a few or even just one, whatever!

romeo and juliet act 5 questions

Contact Verona 2. Date: Size: Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Questions 5. The wording s for the questions are taken from the exemplar questions available on the AQA website. They are not destined to be together Act 1 scene 1: Who is fighting at the beginning of the first scene? Prologue: In what city does this play take place? How does Romeo obtain the poison from the Apothecary even though it is against the law to sell poison in Mantua? Romeo and Juliet quizzes about important details and events in every section of the book. What news does he not bring? Why is Romeo feeling cheerful at the beginning of scene 1? Compare and contrast Romeo's love for Rosaline with Romeo's love for Juliet. For example, a quote citation from act three, scene two, lines thirteen through fifteen will look like III, ii, What news does Balthasar bring? Is … To the Capulet tomb for mourning.

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