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Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 1 Questions And Answers

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Then he will marry them Act 1 scene 2: What is the name of the woman Romeo loves? Rosaline Act 1 scene 2: Where do Romeo and Benvolio decide to go? Go to the party Act 1 scene 3: When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about the marriage, what...

[DOWNLOAD] Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 1 Questions And Answers

What does Romeo say about Mercutio to calm her down? Tybalt and he is looking for Romeo Act 3 scene 1: How does Tybalt provoke a fight? Because he feels as if Romeo is mocking him Act 3 scene 1: Who ends up actually starting the fight? Mercutio Act...

Top Exams 2021

Go console Juliet. Yes Act 3 scene 4: What is the dramatic irony in this scene? What does she tell Juliet? No and she tells her that shes washed her hands from the matter meaning she wants nor has anything to do with this matter Act 3 scene 5: Who does Juliet decide to go to for help? He will have word sent to Romeo, he will prepare the potion for Juliet to take, and then he will be a priest at the funeral Act 4 scene 1: What is Juliet holding in her hand, and what does she propose to do? The wedding is being prepared for Act 4 scene 2: What does Juliet tell her Father That she apologizes for her behavior and will marry Paris Act 4 scene 2: How does Capulet respond to Juliet saying she will happily marry Paris? By moving the time of the wedding to a closer date there is less time to get word to Romeo about their plan Act 4 scene 3: Does Juliet take the Nurse into her confidence?

Quiz About Romeo And Juliet: Act 1, Scene 1-4

No, Juliet no longer trusts the Nurse and she might give away the plan Act 4 scene 3: What thoughts run through Juliets mind as she is about to take the potion? What is the potion actually kills her. What is she wakes up to early and suffocates. What is the dead spirits of her ancestors haunt her and drive her insane as she is waiting for Romeo Act 4 scene 3: What give Juliet the strength to take the potion? The thought of seeing and being with Romeo again Act 4 scene 3: Who does Juliet toast to as she is about to take the poison? Is he suggesting that the Capulets should be happy?

Romeo and Juliet Summary and Analysis of Act 1

That Juliet is dead Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? The letter from Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet Act 5 scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy before leaving? He stops at an apothecary and buys a deadly poison Act 5 scene 1: When Romeo take a hold of the poison Why does Romeo say that the vile poison is NOT a poison, but a liquid that will GIVE him life Because when he dies it will give him an eternal life with Juliet Act 5 scene 2: Where does Friar Lawrence quickly hurry?

Act 1, scene 1, questions and answers

Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do? To be laid in Juliets grave Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now? The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo finally sees Juliet lying there what does her notice about her? For her to become a nun Act 5 scene 3: What was the flaw that destroyed Romeo? Rashness Act 5 scene 3: What are the two ways Juliet attempts to kill herself? By kissing Romeo she hoped to intake some of the poison as well, but that failed. She then took her dagger and stabbed herself. Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Capulet will gove Montague the wedding rights land,money, etc.

Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers

Find a word or a phrase to justify your answer. The Prince is furious. He sees the feud as pointless. It disturbs the peace of Verona and the fighting is unnecessary - bred of an airy word 2 Why is it significant later in the play that whoever starts the next argument will be condemned to death? This makes the Prince's words very significant. Later in the play, Romeo is involved in the fight in which Tybalt and Mercutio die. However, as Romeo did not start the fight, he is not put to death. Rather his sentence is commuted to banishment. The sycamore tree is associated with lovesickness. What does this mean? Romeo follows the picture of the courtly lover in the Elizabethan tradition. He is melancholic, isolates himself, cannot sleep, doesn't eat or drink, and suffers because of his unanswered love. To what theme does this point? They send Benvolio to investigate. It points to the theme of the generation gap. They are cousins and friends.

Act 1 Romeo and Juliet Questions

Give reasons. Rosaline is actually a Capulet. The oxymorons stress that Romeo is in love when he shouldn't be loving hate. Also, the Montagues fight the Capulets brawling love. Examine lines No. His view seems very idealistic. He seems more in love with being in love, than with Rosaline herself. Rosaline intends to join a convent and will not give herself to any man. Benvolio suggests that Romeo tries to find someone else to admire because then he will quickly forget Rosaline. They belong to the Capulet Household. It means anger. The ancient quarrel between the Capulet and Montague households caused constant fights, which could occur at any time. Benvolio knows that there is no good reason for the quarrel between the Capulets and the Montagues and he does not want anyone to die. If Sampson and Abraham fight, it will not be long before all the men of the two families are fighting.

Romeo and Juliet Quiz Act I Scenes 1-5

It means peace-loving. For questions , refer to lines What does Tybalt mean by "heartless"? Benvolio asks Tybalt either to put his sword back in its sheath and so stop fighter, or to use his sword to help him stop Sampson and Abraham from fighting. He is proud and quarrelsome. He has a quick temper. He hates the Montagues. Benvolio and Romeo, particularly when he becomes peace-loving after marrying Juliet. Not at all. Benvolio, in fact, shows more courage and intelligence than Tybalt does. The two houses cause constant disturbance and violence in Verona. He wants to join the fighting to try to gain his revenge on Montague. The love between Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Lady Montague does not want her husband to join in the fighting and go looking for trouble. The blood that flows from the wounds caused by swords.

Romeo and Juliet- Study Guide Questions and Answers

The Prince's tone is angry, but also sad. Three fights. Who are the "ancient citizens" l. The Prince refers to old Caplet and Montague.

romeo and juliet act 1 test and key

What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death. I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward! Enter, several of both houses, who join the fray; then enter Citizens, with clubs First Citizen Clubs, bills, and partisans! Down with the Capulets!

Evaluating Romeo's Love Poetry in Act 1, Scene 1

Give me my long sword, ho! Old Montague is come, And flourishes his blade in spite of me. What, ho! Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, Have thrice disturb'd the quiet of our streets, And made Verona's ancient citizens Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old, Canker'd with peace, to part your canker'd hate: If ever you disturb our streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. For this time, all the rest depart away: You Capulet; shall go along with me: And, Montague, come you this afternoon, To know our further pleasure in this case, To old Free-town, our common judgment-place. Once more, on pain of death, all men depart. Speak, nephew, were you by when it began? BENVOLIO Here were the servants of your adversary, And yours, close fighting ere I did approach: I drew to part them: in the instant came The fiery Tybalt, with his sword prepared, Which, as he breathed defiance to my ears, He swung about his head and cut the winds, Who nothing hurt withal hiss'd him in scorn: While we were interchanging thrusts and blows, Came more and more and fought on part and part, Till the prince came, who parted either part.

AQA English Literature - Paper 1 - Mock Romeo and Juliet Questions

Right glad I am he was not at this fray. BENVOLIO Madam, an hour before the worshipp'd sun Peer'd forth the golden window of the east, A troubled mind drave me to walk abroad; Where, underneath the grove of sycamore That westward rooteth from the city's side, So early walking did I see your son: Towards him I made, but he was ware of me And stole into the covert of the wood: I, measuring his affections by my own, That most are busied when they're most alone, Pursued my humour not pursuing his, And gladly shunn'd who gladly fled from me.

Romeo and Juliet: Act 1, Scene 2

Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs; But all so soon as the all-cheering sun Should in the furthest east begin to draw The shady curtains from Aurora's bed, Away from the light steals home my heavy son, And private in his chamber pens himself, Shuts up his windows, locks far daylight out And makes himself an artificial night: Black and portentous must this humour prove, Unless good counsel may the cause remove. MONTAGUE Both by myself and many other friends: But he, his own affections' counsellor, Is to himself—I will not say how true— But to himself so secret and so close, So far from sounding and discovery, As is the bud bit with an envious worm, Ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air, Or dedicate his beauty to the sun. Could we but learn from whence his sorrows grow. We would as willingly give cure as know. Come, madam, let's away.

romeo and juliet act 1 scene 1

This love that thou hast shown Doth add more grief to too much of mine own. Soft: not so fast. And if: if. I will go along; And if you leave me so, you do me wrong. But in his next speech, Romeo speaks as if "sadness" means sadness. And she's fair I love. Dian's wit: i. Diana was the goddess of chastity. In other words, since she has vowed to remain a virgin, she will never pass on her beauty to her children. ROMEO Romeo is again complaining that Rosaline is killing beauty itself by refusing to marry, have children, and so pass on her beauty to future generations. Being black: In Shakespeare's time, women often wore black masks to plays, supposedly for modesty, but often for the opposite purpose. I'll pay that doctrine, or else die in debt I will make good that theory [that looking on other beauties will cure Romeo's love-sickness], or die trying.

10 Possible Questions On Romeo And Juliet

To Romeo and Juliet the Friar is a father in faith and also a close friend who helps them many times. When Romeo and Juliet want to get married, his plan is to marry them right away, his purpose is good, he want two big families to become friend not the enemy! Learning Experience Sequence: 1. The play is set in Verona, in two households. Verona is the location of the play in two households because the prologue states it. Lines are highly poetic to reflect the beauty of the romantic scene. The reference to birdsong adds to the pleasure the audience feel at seeing the lovers happy together. The close description and figurative language metaphors in this case create vivid imagery which enables the audience to picture what is taking place outside the bedroom window Romeo And Juliet: A Study Guide On Romeo And Juliet Words 3 Pages Study Guide on Romeo and Juliet In this study guide, I am going to allow you to choose the three questions that you want to answer from the choices that I give you.

Romeo and juliet act 1 questions?

Include historical and social research. Other sources of information: Say how other writers and authors have interpreted the play. Remember to credit them. First scene with her mother: in this scene Juliet is a very submissive character, she sits back and lets the conversation Romeo and Juliet are to Blame for Their Own Deaths Words 9 Pages Romeo and Juliet are to Blame for Their Own Deaths Shakespeare is said to be one of the greatest sonnet and playwrights of the last millennium.

Act 1 Romeo And Juliet Questions and Answers

In this assignment I am going to explore and write about one of Shakespeare's most famous and talked about plays "Romeo and Juliet". Shakespeare didn't only write tragedies Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy as we will see in throughout this task. He also wrote comedies, sonnets, love and many other different styles of play. They have to hide their love from their parent, problem a rise which causes death for both of the lovers and friends. There are many things that the prologue sets up. It sets it up the Reflection Of Bloomo's Taxonomy Words 5 Pages Leaning on Bloom's taxonomy as a model, I usually create questions that move from remembering and understanding towards applying and analyzing. In this lesson I give students an opportunity to answer the questions in pairs before being answered and discussed as a class. In the video, students are directed from understanding towards applying and analyzing through the questions on the handout.

Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers -

They are not destined to be together Act 1 scene 1: Who is fighting at the beginning of the first scene? That the next person to start a public brawl will be put to death Act 1 scene 1: Benolio and Montaguue describe the way Romeo has been acting. What do they say about him Gloomy, cries a lot, not talking, seclusive Act 1 scene 1: Why is Romeo so sad? To move and find a new girl Act 1 scene 2: Why does Capulet think it will be easy for Montague and him to keep the peace? Because they are both old and tired Act 1 scene 2: What does Paris ask of Capulet? What does he tell Paris? Paris must win her heart and Juliet must agree. Then he will marry them Act 1 scene 2: What is the name of the woman Romeo loves?

Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Discussion Questions - Words | Bartleby

Rosaline Act 1 scene 2: Where do Romeo and Benvolio decide to go? Go to the party Act 1 scene 3: When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about the marriage, what is Juliets answer? That many kids get married and have kids at her age, even Lady Capulet, and she is to go to the party and look at Paris Act 1 Scene 4: What does Mercutio say about dreams? That dreams mean nothing Act 1 scene 5: What does Romeo think of Juliet when he firsts sees her? He loves a Capulet Act 2 scene 2: In lines , Juliet asks Romeo not to swear by the moon…why is she afraid of this?

Act 1, Scene 1 | myShakespeare

It may stop their families feuds Act 2 scene 4: Why has the nurse come to the square? To find out about the wedding arrangements Act 2 scene 4: What information does Romeo give the Nurse? Where and when the wedding will be Act 2 scene 4: Mercutio teases the Nurse, and she is outraged. What does Romeo say about Mercutio to calm her down? Tybalt and he is looking for Romeo Act 3 scene 1: How does Tybalt provoke a fight?

romeo and juliet questions and answers act 1 scene 1

Because he feels as if Romeo is mocking him Act 3 scene 1: Who ends up actually starting the fight? Mercutio Act 3 scene 1: Who tries to stop the fight? What happens from this intervention? Romeo Act 3 scene 1: What curse does Mercutio call out before he dies? The Prince; and Romeo is banished from Verona. If he is found in Verona he is to be killed on the spot Act 3 scene 1: Why does the Prince have mercy upon Romeo? Because enough blood and tears have been shed on that day Act 3 scene 2: Where is Juliet and what is she waiting for? Her bedroom. The Nurse to return with word of Romeo he is supposed to come into her bedroom that night Act 3 scene 2: When the Nurse arrives what does she inform Juliet of?

AQA English Literature - Paper 1 - Mock Romeo and Juliet Questions | Teaching Resources

When the Nurse says there was a death and a banishment Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and Tybalt is banished when it is the other way around Act 3 scene 2: What does Juliet say that foreshadows her own death? Is he relieved? He is in despair. He is angered because he feels that Romeo should be happy that mercy was given to him and he can still keep his life Act 3 scene 3: Why does the Friar scold Romeo? They are both crying Act 3 scene 3: What does Romeo try to do as he wails over his situation? He picks up the dagger and tries to kill himself Act 3 scene 3: As Romeo is in despair and after he tries to kill himself what does the Nurse give Romeo and what is its significance?

Romeo and juliet act 1 questions? | Yahoo Answers

He feels relieve that Juliet still wants to be with him Act 3 scene 3: What plan does the Friar propose to Romeo? Go console Juliet. Yes Act 3 scene 4: What is the dramatic irony in this scene? What does she tell Juliet? No and she tells her that shes washed her hands from the matter meaning she wants nor has anything to do with this matter Act 3 scene 5: Who does Juliet decide to go to for help? He will have word sent to Romeo, he will prepare the potion for Juliet to take, and then he will be a priest at the funeral Act 4 scene 1: What is Juliet holding in her hand, and what does she propose to do? The wedding is being prepared for Act 4 scene 2: What does Juliet tell her Father That she apologizes for her behavior and will marry Paris Act 4 scene 2: How does Capulet respond to Juliet saying she will happily marry Paris? By moving the time of the wedding to a closer date there is less time to get word to Romeo about their plan Act 4 scene 3: Does Juliet take the Nurse into her confidence?

Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Discussion Questions

No, Juliet no longer trusts the Nurse and she might give away the plan Act 4 scene 3: What thoughts run through Juliets mind as she is about to take the potion? What is the potion actually kills her. What is she wakes up to early and suffocates. What is the dead spirits of her ancestors haunt her and drive her insane as she is waiting for Romeo Act 4 scene 3: What give Juliet the strength to take the potion?

Romeo and Juliet: Act 1, scene 1 - The Folger SHAKESPEARE

The thought of seeing and being with Romeo again Act 4 scene 3: Who does Juliet toast to as she is about to take the poison? Is he suggesting that the Capulets should be happy? That Juliet is dead Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? The letter from Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet Act 5 scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy before leaving? He stops at an apothecary and buys a deadly poison Act 5 scene 1: When Romeo take a hold of the poison Why does Romeo say that the vile poison is NOT a poison, but a liquid that will GIVE him life Because when he dies it will give him an eternal life with Juliet Act 5 scene 2: Where does Friar Lawrence quickly hurry?

Ninth grade Lesson Evaluating Romeo's Love Poetry in Act 1, Scene 1

Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do? To be laid in Juliets grave Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now? The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo finally sees Juliet lying there what does her notice about her? For her to become a nun Act 5 scene 3: What was the flaw that destroyed Romeo? Rashness Act 5 scene 3: What are the two ways Juliet attempts to kill herself?

Romeo & Juliet Act 1, Scene 1 | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

By kissing Romeo she hoped to intake some of the poison as well, but that failed. She then took her dagger and stabbed herself. Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Capulet will gove Montague the wedding rights land,money, etc.

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