Thursday, April 8, 2021

It Essentials Chapter 12 Exam Answers

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Personal data will not usually be erased from some mobile devices unless the number of failed passcode login attempts exceeds a threshold. Remote lock allows the device to be locked from a remote location. A factory reset returns the device to the...

It-essentials v7 Chapter 12 Exam Answers

Cryptographic Operators A manager approaches a PC repair person with the issue that users are coming in to the company in the middle of the night to play games on their computers. What might the PC repair person do to help in this situation? Limit the login times. Use Device Manager to limit access to the computer. Enable power on passwords in the BIOS. Which question would be an example of an open-ended question that a technician might ask when troubleshooting a security issue? Is your security software up to date? Have you scanned your computer recently for viruses? Did you open any attachments from a suspicious email message? What symptoms are you experiencing? Which action would help a technician to determine if a denial of service attack is being caused by malware on a host?

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Disconnect the host from the network. Disable ActiveX and Silverlight on the host. Install rogue antivirus software on the host. A technician is troubleshooting a computer security issue. The computer was compromised by an attacker as a result of the user having a weak password. Which action should the technician take as a preventive measure against this type of attack happening in the future? Check the computer for the latest OS patches and updates. Verify the physical security of all offices. Ensure the security policy is being enforced. It has been noted that the computers of employees who use removable flash drives are being infected with viruses and other malware. Which two actions can help prevent this problem in the future? Choose two.

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Set virus protection software to scan removable media when data is accessed. Disable the autorun feature in the operating system. A virus has infected several computers in a small office. It is determined that the virus was spread by a USB drive that was shared by users. What can be done to prevent this problem? Destroy the USB drive. Change the passwords on the computers.

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Set the antivirus software to scan removable media. A user is browsing the Internet when a rogue pop-up warning message appears indicating that malware has infected the machine. The warning message window is unfamiliar, and the user knows that the computer is already protected by antimalware software. What should the user do in this situation? Allow the software to remove the threats. Click the warning window to close it. Update the current antimalware software. Close the browser tab or window. In what situation will a file on a computer using Windows 8. What security measure can be used to encrypt the entire volume of a removable drive?

[FREE] It Essentials Chapter 12 Exam Answers Version 7.0

A customer using a Windows XP computer is complaining that a new card reader is not working. A technician tests the card reader on a Windows 7 computer and does not detect any problems. What are two possible solutions to the problem with the XP computer? Choose two. Install additional RAM. Modify the options in the BIOS. Install the driver from the CD provided with the card reader. Download and install the driver from the manufacturer of the card reader. Update the CMOS firmware. A technician is replacing an internal hard drive used as a secondary drive on a PC. What is the most probable cause for that error message? The power supply is faulty. The hard drive jumper is set incorrectly. The motherboard needs replacing to be able to support the new hard drive. The USB port has too many attached devices to supply adequate power.

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The BIOS needs updating. When the PC restarts, it is slower than it was before the upgrade. What is the most probable solution to this problem? Replace the HDD with a higher capacity hard drive. Overclock the CPU. Increase the amount of RAM available. What are the two most probable reasons for this problem? There is a conflict with a newly installed device. The boot order is not set correctly in the BIOS.

IT Essentials (ITE v6.0 + v7.0) Chapter 12 Exam Answers 100%

The index service is not indexing in the correct locations. Several times during the last few days, a user has experienced the Blue Screen of Death when plugging an external hard drive into a laptop via USB. What is a possible solution for this problem? Reinstall the operating system. Research the STOP error and the name of the module that produced the error.

IT Essentials (ITE v6.0 + v7.0) Chapter 12 Test Online

Research the boot error beep code to identify the source of the error. A computer repeatedly locks without any error message. Which two conditions may be the cause of the problem? The UAC has been turned off. The user has breached the user security policy. The computer has a virus. The index service is not running. The CPU needs to be upgraded. An update has corrupted the operating system. What are two possible solutions to any Windows computer restarting continuously and never displaying the desktop? Upgrade the processor. Upgrade the video card. Reset the hard drive jumpers. Access the BIOS and change the boot order options. A PC is not able to connect to a wired network. Pinging the loopback address is successful, but the gateway cannot be reached. On the network switch all the interface lights are on, except for the interface connected to the PC. The LED on the network card is off. What is the most likely cause of this problem?

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The network switch is faulty. The gateway needs to be fixed. The network cable is faulty. Users in a recently installed wireless network are complaining of slow data transfer and frequent loss of connectivity. The technician checks that the wireless security is correctly implemented, and there is no evidence of unauthorized users on the network. Which two problems might the technician suspect? The wireless signal is too weak. The DHCP server is faulty. There is interference from outside sources. The antenna on the access point is too powerful. The network passwords need to be reissued to the users. A group of users is unable to connect to the network.

IT Essentials (ITE v6.0 + v7.0) Chapter 1 Exam Answers 100%

When testing several of the PCs and issuing the command ipconfig, the technician notices that all of them have an IP address in the The DNS server is not operational. The Internet connectiion is down. The gateway address is incorrect. The DHCP server is not operational. A technician is working on a laptop that has a dark display. After attaching an external display and verifying that it works, the technician now has a better idea as to the problem. What could be the problem? The display driver is incorrect. The motherboard has failed. The CPU has failed. The power inverter of the LCD screen or backlight lamp has failed. A technician replaces a laptop keyboard that was no longer functioning, and has verified that the newly replaced keyboard functions properly.

IT Essentials (ITE v6.0) Chapter 12 Exam Answers 2021

What is the final step the technician should take as part of the troubleshooting process? Ask a list of closed-ended questions. Research the problem. Document all findings, actions, and outcomes. Implement preventive measures. A user complains that when a page is printed on a laser printer, the page smears when touched. What is a possible cause of this issue? The laser assembly is faulty. The EP drum is damaged. The pickup rollers are defective. The fuser has failed. What is a probable cause of this? The drum is damaged. The printer does not have enough memory. The toner level in the EP cartridge is low. The power supply on the printer is failing.

IT Essentials Chapter 12 Quiz Answers Online - ITexam24

A user complains that a printer is outputting random characters instead of the desired document. There is dirt or debris in the printer. An incorrect print driver is installed. A freshly installed Windows 7 laptop is plugged into the network and configured with an IP address. The technician then attempts to ping the laptop from another computer. While the laptop is able to connect to other devices, the ping requests fail. What is the likely cause? The network drivers for the NIC are out of date. The port speed for the NIC is incorrect.

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It Essentials Chapter 12 Exam

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