YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Healthstream Answers
I have heard great things about working for Healthstream, and from what I understand, you offer exactly this type of environment. At Healthstream we seek to hire healthcare professionals who have passion for our industry. If you could increase...
Yes, cancer does receive a lot of awareness; however, pancreatic cancer does not. How do you handle communicating bad news to a fellow worker or subordinate? One of the toughest parts of communication can be delivering bad news to people that you...
Patience is indeed a virtue but can be challenging to maintain when it seems that situations continue to push your buttons. Show the interviewer that you possess the ability to keep your cool in challenging conditions. Rachelle's Answer 1 "I do consider myself a patient person. If I need a boost of patience in a challenging situation, I will take a step away, count to 10 and then return to the situation. I recently read a book, 'The Power of Patience' by M. Ryan which also gave me some excellent new methods for coping with stress. I went above and beyond in helping the group get along by scheduling lunches as a team and helping to mediate situations that needed it.
At Healthstream we seek to hire individuals who value education. Walk me through your related post-secondary education. Where did you struggle the most? Which courses were your favorite? Talk to the interviewer about your post-secondary education. Discuss your high points and the more challenging points. I completed this course with a B grade. My best course was in Mental Health Studies.
I found it to be fascinating and graduated top of my class in that course. There were many challenges along the way; however, I would say that my overall experience was incredibly positive. If I had to choose my biggest struggle, I would say that Anatomy and Physiology were the most in-depth. With that said, I did receive very high grades in those courses. My favorite subject of study, overall, was Pharmacology.
At Healthstream we see a lot of candidate interest for positions such as this. Why are you the best candidate for us? What makes you a stand-out candidate when there are so many other potential candidates for Healthstream to consider? Talk to the interviewer about the qualities that make you the best candidate for them. Rachelle's Answer 1 "There are a lot of talented people in the healthcare pool but what makes me stand out is my willingness to take feedback. I am a humble employee. Also, I am a dedicated worker. I have had just one sick day in 5 years.
In addition to these studies, I am also bilingual in both English and Spanish. This skill will enable me to communicate very clearly with your predominantly Spanish community. When have you been asked to perform a function or complete a task in which you had little or no experience in doing? Have you ever had to take on a task or a role that you felt was over your experience level?
Talk to the interviewer about a time when you have dealt with this type of situation. What was the outcome, and what did you learn? Rachelle's Answer 1 "When my manager went on unexpected medical leave for three months last year I was asked to step into her position in the interim. I knew the basics but was certainly not trained on the specifics of the role. I was able to take it on successfully by leaning on my team, reading a lot of company manuals, and asking many questions. Once my manager returned she was very pleased with the progress that I made, and I received a promotion. When this happens, I will not ask for help right away. Rather, I will search for the answer either in our manuals or online. I am comfortable taking on new tasks and enjoy learning new skills. At Healthstream we seek to hire individuals dedicated to their professional development. If you could improve your knowledge on any healthcare related topic, which would you choose?
Being dedicated to your professional development and knowledge is a huge bonus for most employers. Talk to the interviewer about the area of healthcare that you would expand your knowledge if given the opportunity. Rachelle's Answer 1 "I feel that I can always learn more about compassionate care and the techniques surrounding long-term compassionate care. I like the idea of professional development and am open to any coursework you suggest. I find children to be most interesting to work with. What type of career growth would you like to see with Healthstream? How can we help you to advance? Talk to the interviewer about the ways that you would like to grow in your career over the next few years. The company wants assurance that you see this as a long-term fit and they want to know how to help you grow.
Rachelle's Answer 1 "I would like to grow into a leadership role in the next years. Any additional training in leadership, mentorship, and management would be a great way to help me advance in your organization. I would love to advance into medical billing and coding once I have enough experience in general health services administration. I foresee this happening in the next years and am committing to this path by attending evening classes and a few related workshops.
During the admission process, the nurse will ask you questions about your diet and eating habits. Hot and cold food and snacks are available during the following hours: Breakfast, — a. Lunch, a. Grab and go, 2 — p. Dinner, 5 — 7 p. Night meal M-F , 1 — a. Caribou Coffee There is a Caribou Coffee cart located in the cafeteria offering specialty coffee drinks and an assortment of baked goods. The cart is open: Monday — Friday, a. Saturday and Sunday, a. Vending Machines Vending machines are available 24 hours a day.
They are located throughout the hospital. Visitors are also welcome to complimentary coffee available throughout the hospital. Gift Shop Inova Loudoun Hospital Gift Shop, operated by the Ladies Board, is conveniently located on the first floor near the information desk. The shop carries a wide variety of gifts, including handbags, jewelry, scarves, popcorn shirts, stuffed animals, games, magazines, cards, candy, flowers and a small selection of toiletry items. Hours of Operation: Monday — Friday, 10 a. Saturday, a. We Listen. We Care. Every time, Every touch. Chaplaincy Services at Inova Loudoun Hospital offers: Prayer and comfort prior to surgery A caring presence and empathetic listening at the bedside Assistance with specific religious needs during your hospitalization Prayers, blessings, meditations, healing touch, guided imagery Support for family and friends How to contact us during regular business hours: Monday - Friday, a.
We may be the answer to your call to become engaged in spiritual work in the larger community. Our volunteers visit at the bedside and actively listen to our patients. Initial training and continuing education strengthen your gifts. Call and speak to our Chaplaincy Manager about this important ministry. Emergencies come at all times; we need local clergy to join our team. Our Chaplaincy Services program extends the reach of our Chaplain through community faith leaders who volunteer in on-call chaplain program. On-call Chaplains are available for emergencies in the evenings and weekends. Essential training and continuing education sharpen your gifts and skills for spiritual care. Talk to our Chaplaincy Manager if you would like to make a difference in the larger community.
Support Our Chaplaincy Efforts Chaplaincy Services is supported through philanthropic efforts of churches, faith groups and individuals. If you are interested in supporting this ministry please call us at Smoking Policy Expand Content In keeping with our mission to improve the health of the diverse community we serve, Inova Health System has put in place a tobacco-free policy.
The policy bans tobacco use of any kind in our facilities and anywhere on our grounds, and applies to everyone, including our patients, visitors and team members. In adopting this policy, Inova joins more than hospitals and health systems nationwide that have similar policies in place. If you currently use tobacco, we can offer you medicine that will help you not use tobacco while you are a patient at Inova.
Please keep in mind that, during your stay here, you may not leave the nursing unit to use tobacco products. If you use tobacco while you are a patient under our care, we may contact your physician to discuss whether you should be discharged. This policy protects you from the ill effects of tobacco use such as slower healing times and protects other patients in the hospital from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. Please tell your family members and visitors about our policy so that they understand they cannot use tobacco products in our facilities or anywhere on our grounds while they are visiting you. We have signage posted throughout our facilities that also indicates our new policy.
We understand that the decision to use tobacco products is a personal one. We are not asking anyone to quit using tobacco, only to refrain from doing so on our campuses. If you or a loved one would like assistance with quitting, we can help. Please ask our team members about Inova's tobacco-cessation resources. Thank you for your compliance with our tobacco-free campus policy. Services Offered at Inova Loudoun Hospital.
With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our support team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to get you on your way to a solution. How to Get Support A member of our support team will talk with you first to determine the nature of the problem. You will find the answers to security questions and system configuration requirements on our FAQ page. You can also view a demonstration of a screen-sharing session. How It Works Step 1: Once you are on the phone with a member of our support team, you will be directed back to this page after your support representative provides you with a unique connection code. You will then enter the code in the field and click the button to initiate the screen-sharing session. Step 2: You are prompted to download a small virus-free plug-in.
Step 3: With your permission, your support representative can view your screen and share control of your mouse and keyboard. Step 4: You are in full control of your computer at all times. You always have overriding control of your mouse and keyboard, and you can end the screen-sharing session at any time. Welcome to Methodist Hospital Online Support! Name: Please fill out the field above, type the code you received from your Representative and click the button to proceed.
NOTE: The answers below are collected from various sources and may change without our knowledge. HealthStream is a regional or department purchased system. You will need to have active status to access HealthStream. To inquire about a HealthStream course availability, please email healthstream kpnursing. KP HealthStream Express has limited functionality. Does Kaiser Permanente offer financial aid? Northern and Southern California - Please visit financialaid. If you have information about similar programs, please contact support kpnursing.
How do I apply for a job at Kaiser Permanente? All job listings for the different regions are available at the Kaiser Permanente jobs website. Please address all inquiries about KP jobs and jobs website technical issues to their web manager. For current employees, please visit the KP Careers website. Where are the Clinical Ladders renewal and application forms located? Other regions- We have no information regarding similar programs in other regions. Does Kaiser Permanente have New Grad training programs? Northern California - Please visit Nurse Scholars Academy for more information regarding their residency and fellowship program. Southern California - New Grad Training programs are only available to nurses that have already been hired by Kaiser Permanente.
Managers hire New Grads licensed newly graduated from nursing school and are sent to the Regional New Grad Training by the manager of hire after they go to their local New Employee orientation and Nursing Orientation at their facilities which generally are the first two weeks of hire. The New Grad training is for 10 weeks. You can try contacting a facility in your region and ask for the nurse recruiter. They may have more information for you. Your local clinical education department may be willing to pay for the class if it is related to a change in the employee position.
Otherwise, contact NCTI directly. Charges may apply. The ICU manager registers the employee directly since the manager pays for the course and concurrent clinical practice. Does Kaiser Permanente provide and specialty training classes for nurses? Website KPNursing. Regional WebsitesYou can click back to your regional homapage by clicking the blue tab with your region's name. Clicking the other blue tab Nursing Pathways takes you to the national homepage.
What's the best way to find what I am looking for in the website? The KPNursing. If you know the nursing strategy, specifically the professional practice model, this makes the most sense. You can also use the search feature on the top-right corner of the website. This searches our entire server only. If it is mentioned on the website, you will find it using the search feature.
Healthstream Nrp Exam Login Looking for healthstream nrp exam login? Get an access to your account in one click using official links provided below. If you are going through your facility's Exam Results Nrp exam questions and answers Exam results are posted on the National Registry's password-secure website through an individual's login account usually within two business days following If you use more than one HealthStream site, you can Get an access to your account in one click using official links. Steering Committee. Provider Resources.
NRP Instructors. You must pass the exam within 12 months of starting the in-person course. Taking the NRP exam online prior to the course encourages participants to be responsible for their own learning and lays the groundwork for Get an access to your account in single click. Display the Partners HealthStream login page. HealthStream accounts are created either daily or weekly from the Partners databases. After reading the NRP textbook and practicing the skills, you will learn to be a valuable member of the resuscitation team. This is a two-part program. Get direct access to Lms Healthstream through official links provided below. Our valued customers have login pages specific to each organization.
At this site, you will purchase access to Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools. Only RUB Nrp 7TH edition section 1 exam. Training and learning management, talent management, and performance assessment. The HealthStream. You can compare this data to the real login page when you HealthStream's online programs are designed to educate healthcare professionals and health occupations students.
Their purpose is to enhance safety, competency Brad atCapital. HealthStream's Talent Management program offers facilities the ability to assess their employees through these two acronyms. Subsequent Logins For subsequent logins, you will go to the website address provided. Site links: www. Healthstream login uhs - ouc. Page Active Last Checked: 4 days ago. We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with healthstream nrp exam online on Search Engine. The online examination replaces the written test. Neither the Administrator or HealthStream can reopen a completed exam after submission, nor can they supply new access to learners who did not complete the appropriate lessons in order.
Neonatal Resuscitation Program NRP is designed for healthcare professionals involved in hospital-based neonatal resuscitation, including: physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, certified nurse midwives, and respiratory care practitioners.
If you have a PPO plan, you most likely do not require a referral. Regardless of what type of plan you have, you should discuss your situation with your Primary Care Physician. Your PCP is often the one required to make the referral, so he or she will understand the requirements of your health plan. If you do not have a PCP, or still have questions about your plan, please call the member services number on the back of your insurance I. Do You Offer Financing for Patients? We are pleased to accept financing payments through CareCredit. Please contact our team at and choose Option 3 if you have questions regarding a statement or to discuss payment options.
Yes, you should bring your insurance card to your appointment. When you register, we will ask for information about your insurance coverage and have you complete and sign a few forms. The registration process goes much faster when you bring your insurance card with you.
You will see a screen. Now follow the below mentioned instructions: Enter last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. Enter your Date of Birth in mmddyy format. Your username will be sent to your email address in the file. Just in case you have troubles in login to HCA Rewards portal, you can contact the support at How first-time users can register on HCA Rewards? If you are a first time user, click on Register First-Time User. Now there are two options to proceed — one with the registration key and other without the registration key. It will ask you whether you have the registration key, or you want to request a key. This registration key is basically a security measure that is used to confirm your identity during the process of registration.
To obtain your key, the system needs to identify you. Enter the first five digits of your Home Zip Code. The key will be sent to your registered id. If not, then call support. Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number. Enter your registration key. Now follow these instructions: Enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. After this, enter your Date of Birth in mmddyy format. Your password reset URL will be sent to your email address in the file. The password reset can also happen remotely using your mobile if you have entered your mobile number in password profile setup. Remember, any unauthorized access to the screens or any computer system on which screen or information to be displayed reside is prohibited, accessing which is a criminal offense.
Your use of this portal is governed and conditioned on your acceptance of the terms of use referenced herein. You have no exception of privacy rights or ownership of anything you might create, store, send or receive on this system as a user of this system. In order to access the scheduler, your computer should have Internet Explorer 6. The app notifies you regarding the important benefits information and upcoming deadlines and also provide you with the benefit provider contact info anywhere, anytime at your disposal.
Some of its benefits are as follows: You get notifications and messages from HCArewards. Gives you easy access to benefits providers. If you are not downloading the app from Apple device, then you need to request it. The process is given below. You cana lso email them at hcarewards hcahealthcare. Find local providers and HCA Healthcare locations. Keep check on costs for care. Call the providers from the application. Store the benefits ID cards belonging to you. Get notifications and reminders and do a lot more! So, download the app by simply entering your email id to receive the iOS app download link from Apple Appstore. This is the new policy by Apple.
How long before I get my results? The Government aims to provide results within 48 hours of taking a test, but some results may take longer. Results will be delivered by text, email or phone and will include instructions as to what to do next. Instructions will include: A link to the NHS test and trace website An ask to create a confidential account where people can record details about their recent close contacts. What happens with my information? Your information will be handled in strict confidence and will only be kept and used in line with data protection laws. The name of the person with coronavirus will not be told to those that are contacted.
It will help the NHS to contact people who have been exposed to coronavirus and explain what they must do to help prevent the further spread of the virus. Find out more: Government website. How does it work? The NHS test and trace service aims to help reduce the spread of the infection and save lives. If people follow the actions set out below, they will directly help to contain the virus by reducing its spread. Steps people need to take: if you develop COVID symptoms you must continue to follow the rules to self-isolate with other members of your household and order a test. The test involves taking a swab from the nose and the back of the throat, which can be done by the person or with assistance. There are now many potential ways to be tested: drive-through regional testing sites test kits delivered to your home hospital-based testing for NHS patients and staff dedicated testing centres in other care settings for example, care homes When you order a test, you will get information on the options available to you.
The Government website has more information on getting tested. When should people self-isolate? Anyone with coronavirus symptoms, or those that live in the same household as somebody who does, should self-isolate and order a test. The main symptoms of coronavirus are: high temperature — this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back you do not need to measure your temperature. For more information, read the further guidance on symptoms. What should employers do? Employers should play their part to make their workplaces as safe as possible, by encouraging workers to heed any notifications to self-isolate and by supporting them when in isolation.
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