Thursday, April 8, 2021

Afm Final Exam Review

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I had to do it for my tutor. Thank you, Sunil. I stumbled along the way but I never gave up. You continually reminded me that I can do it. I sat my first CBE with the best guidance and support. I listened and it worked. Here I am. Forever thankful. The support you provide alongside the course is very impressive, answering our queries extremely quickly and at almost any time of the day. It was very comprehensive and thorough and must say that I fell in love with AFM! I Passed the exams thanks to his lectures. I am forever ever grateful. I always ended up with a Fail.

Study Guide For Afm Final

At my 4th attempt, I took up the full course with Sunil and I finally passed the exam. His teaching skill is superb, and he made the course so easy to understand. Every topic is break into individual video that explain the concept clearly. But if you are a student of ACCA, you will know that the hardest part of passing the exam is not just about understanding the subject, it is about application of your knowledge in the exam. His techniques to tackle the exam question he taught were amazing. I always terrifying when I see the past exam questions, but it became so much easier to solve the questions with his exam techniques he taught. Thank you, Mr. I am now an ACCA affiliate. Thank you so much for your help and support. The Video Exam kit was instrumental in passing this exam!! Previously it took me a lot of attempts and I studied with a lot of different methods and teachers but I was never able to complete the exam. I was able to pass the AFM exam in this attempt only with your help.

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Thanks and kind regards! It was thanks to you and your lectures. I still remember your videos and it was like hearing your voice in the exam. I enjoyed the class too. I wish everyone knows about you. His knowledge and experience are impressive and this is shown in both his learning material and video lectures. In a nutshell, the Tuition course helped me understand the concepts clearly and the VEK course helped me get ready for the exam day. Highly recommended. My AFM guru guaranteed a first time pass and so did I. Then one tutor who would make the hardest ones very simple, interesting and enjoyable. Thank you so much Sunil sir.

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Loved your notes. He answers all queries within a very short time. The on-demand videos for the Tuition course are concise with exam questions used throughout the course. The Revision course consists of Exam questions attempted to time on the CBE platform and receiving marked scripts with tutor comments. His step-by-step videos on how to use the CBE platform his formula shortcuts and tips are a game changer. Sitting a full mock to time on the CBE platform and getting back a marked script with comments gave me a full flavour of the exam.

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Heart pounding, hands shaking, dry mouth, hyper-ventilating. On the exam day, I was calm and confident. I had done this before and survived. No-brainer, I passed. I appreciate your help and support. I passed because of you. I have passed AFM with 52 marks. Your lecture explaining the technical areas of questions are awesome. Your approach for examination techniques are fantastic. You are a sincere teacher as if my primary school teacher. You have enough energy to push the students to motivate and do their study in a nice way. Finally, I really like your super English accent. All the best for you and hoping you can teach many more students in future and enable them for passing the AFM paper. As well as the notes, with your annotations for each chapter, made it easier to work through the material which otherwise would have been overwhelming. I enjoyed the way you explained the concepts and how to approach questions. For the revision course, the video debriefs available, for almost all questions on section A and B and a few for section C, on each topic was really helpful.

1A – And so it Begins

Made me understand the thought process in analysing questions, and how I need to approach them. I was able to work at my own pace, when I wanted and where I wanted. The mock exam feedback was great. Got to know where my mistakes were, how the actual answer should have been, and why. With the WhatsApp group, was able to learn from other students queries and your responses to them. Thank you. Will definitely be taking AFM with You. The revision and mock courses were one of the best courses I have worked through to help me pass AFM. Sunil made it all possible and will recommend him to everyone I know! Thank you again! I got a 67! Only blinking did it. Thank you so much for your help. The course was fantastic in getting me prepped especially for the CBE. I would say your simplistic breakdowns and explanations coupled with your availability in case of any query is what makes your course fantastic.

ACCA AFM September 2021 Exam Results – Instant Poll and Comments

I just qualified! I thought I would fail, because the exam did not got as well as I had hoped. I also had a completely blank for most part of the other 25 marker in terms of calculations I got anxious. Also, some theory and other small bit of the 25 marker. So this is my story! I was ready to start studying tomorrow again. But now I do not have to. Thank you so much! Your focus on theory really was a game changer for me and the fact that I enrolled in your revision.


Without it, it would not be possible to pass. Thanks again, it is rare to have a teacher who is so passionate and such an expert in the subject and exam focused. All the best, PS. My wife is asking if you teach Physics as she is doing her degree and could use a quality teacher like you. After first meeting you at xxxxx in December I knew I had to enrol onto your online courses to pass! They are just so well taught and are broken down so easily into topics! I just want to say a massive thank you for all your help, support and kind words which have made me pass this exam! The online course is strategically structured in such a way so as to enable the student from the beginning to start honing those AFM skills required to navigate the syllabus and deploy in the exam. Very exam-focused and interestingly engaging to depth. Sunil was always very prompt to answer in detail all questions posed via various interactive methods being text messages, voice recordings, pdfs and referrals to the structured course.

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I recommend this course to anyone who wants to guarantee a minimum pass in AFM with an upside potential to perform excellent and learn useful advanced financial management skills and be ready to apply them in a professional context. I found the online the student area very easy to navigate and the recorded videos with the explanations on how to answer the questions very detailed and clear to understand. The mock paper was great and with full marking and a debrief on what to work on helped me no end.

Final Exam review

If I needed help Sunil was just a message away and even called to help me on a Sunday evening when I was struggling, which I am so thankful for. I Felt like the help and tuition I received was first class and for once felt like a student that was cared about rather than just a person coming through a revolving door to be forgotten about Thank you so much Sunil I am forever grateful and will highly recommend you in the future. Your quick responses to WhatsApp queries really helped me contemplate on AFM topics without losing my train of thoughts. Also, your theory podcasts were wonderful; this helped me be able to write something relevant to score marks in tricky theory questions during exam.

The secret to the amazing resolving power of the helium ion beam starts with the source tip. A finely sharpened needle is made even sharper through a proprietary process that took years to develop. Individual atoms are stripped away from the source until an atomic pyramid is created with just three atoms at the very end of the source tip a configuration called the "trimer". This repeatable process can be accomplished in-situ. Once the trimer is formed, the tip is maintained under high vacuum and cryogenic temperatures with helium gas flowing over it. A high voltage is applied to the needle to produce an extremely high electric field at its apex. The helium gas is attracted to the energized tip where it is ionized. With ionization happening in the vicinity of a single atom, the resulting ion beam appears to be emanating from a region that is less than an angstrom in size.

1A – And so it Begins – AFM Studentity

Tags: 1A , Course Descriptions , First Year All information on this page is applicable for the Fall — April school year and is based on my personal experience. While Fall will be unconventional, here is a glimpse of what you can expect during your first term. Crews — What are they? Crews are groups of 5 to 6 SAF students who attend all of their classes together in 1A. PSLCs are upper year students who act as mentors, and will run study sessions for certain midterms. Last year, CrewCasts were held every two weeks on WebEx.

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They covered topics such as course selection, study tips, upcoming events, pretty much anything SAF felt was important for students to know. Crews attended all courses together in this term, which means switching between sections was impossible. There were two minute lectures and a 50 minute tutorial per week. An access code was needed to complete the weekly assignments. The textbook is good for clarifying concepts and finding more practice problems. I definitely recommend doing practice problems at the end of the chapter to solidify your understanding.

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It is designed to instill self-reflection skills, learn how to give and act on received feedback, and learn how to write business documents such as emails, memos, and cases. There were two minute seminars and one minute lecture. The lectures were usually a presentation from a guest speaker mostly faculty members from across the university. Concept wise, this was a lighter course, but there was definitely a lot of writing with tight deadlines.

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The midterm was writing a business case, with a final assignment that was a mostly a self-reflection. No final exam, which was a bonus. The course was divided into two parts: Microsoft Excel and RStudio. The professor was kind enough to provide us with a pdf of the textbook that he wrote for free, which was extremely useful for this course. Tophat was used for participation marks during the lectures, of which there were two minutes each and one minute tutorial. There was a quiz each week that was honestly brutal because of the time limit. The final assignment was done in our Crews. Both the midterm and final exams were open book. Overall, I felt that this course was fairly straightforward as long as you put in some effort learning how to code in RStudio.

Final Exam Review: AFM - karen eckberg

It covered basic business concepts such as business life cycle stages, the different business models, and the types of business decisions. There was one quiz per chapter, which was online. Stay tuned for my post on how to study for memorization courses. There were two minute lectures each week. There were two midterm exams and one final exam, all of which were multiple choice. The PSLCs ran review sessions for both the midterms where a mock midterm created by the professors was used. Again, for this course I strongly recommend taking notes and completing as many of the questions as possible for practice.


SAF has updated the required courses, so there may be some discrepancies in the term you take a specific course. Comment below if you have questions about a specific course!

AFM Final Exam Review

Force regimes governing the AFM measurement. AFM modes for polymer examination Many different variations of the basic AFM setup have been developed through the years of its use. Although most of them are applicable to all types of samples, not all yield the same amount and quality results. Proper use of these versatile measurement variations enables one to study and understand processes even at the fundamental, namely molecular level [ 10 ]. Considering various different samples, several modes have been developed and adapted to cope with the demand of field specific research [ 11 ]. In the scope of the next few paragraphs only some of the most popular will be presented. Contact mode Contact mode was the first developed mode of atomic force microscopy. In this mode, the tip is moving across the surface and deflects according to its profile Figure 3.

AFM Final Exam Review Answers

Two types of contact mode measurements are known, the constant force and the constant height mode. In the constant force type, a feedback loop is used to move the sample or the tip up and down and keep its deflection constant. The result of such measurement is the information about the surface topography. Since the tip is in constant contact with the surface, significant friction forces, which can destroy or sweep soft samples like polymers or biological macromolecules on the surface, appear [ 12 ].

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Figure 3. Schematic representation of the contact mode. The image was reproduced with permission by C. Roduit [ 5 ]. The other type of contact mode AFM measurement is based on the constant height, while the forces are changing. In this case, the cantilever deflection is measured directly and the deflection force on the tip is used to calculate the distance from the surface. With this type of measurements atomic resolution was achieved at low temperatures and in high vacuum. Such measurements are often used for quick examination of fast changes in biological structures [ 13 ]. The tip attached to the cantilever is hovering very close to the surface at a distance of approximately nm , but never gets into contact with it, hence the name noncontact mode Figure 4.

ACCA Paper AFM exam was - March Exam - Instant Poll and comments

A major advantage of this mode is negligible friction forces, making this mode capable for measurements of biological and polymeric samples without alteration of their surface. The biggest drawbacks of this mode are low lateral and z-resolution when compared to the contact mode. Recently it was used for characterization of single polymer chains [ 14 ]. Figure 4. Schematical depiction of the non-contact AFM mode. Instead of hovering above the sample, the cantilever vibrates above the surface and moves through the force gradient above the surface, during which it might momentarily touch the surface [ 15 ]. Due to interactions of the AFM tip with the sample surface, the amplitude of vibrations decreases and a phase shift occurs Figure 5. We can choose either of these parameters amplitude or phase shift and keep it constant through the feedback loop by moving either the sample or the tip in z-direction. This gives us information about the surface topography similar to the contact mode.

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To measure in the amplitude modulation mode we need much stiffer cantilevers, which exhibit the smallest possible damping factors this factor is commonly referred to as the Q-factor [ 16 ]. Amplitude modulation mode is the most often used AFM mode due to its high resolution, almost non-destructive nature of the imaging and its applicability in air and also in liquid conditions [ 17 ]. Figure 5. Schematical representation of the amplitude modulation mode. Parts of the image were reproduced with permission by C. Force spectroscopy Force spectroscopy has proved to be one of the most promising techniques using AFM.

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In an AFM experiment, a tip is attached to a flexible cantilever, which is moved across the sample surface. During this procedure, the surface morphology is measured with a nanometer resolution. Upon contact with the sample surface, the tip experiences a force, which is monitored as a change in the deflection of the cantilever [ 18 ]. This force is a function of tip sample separation and the material properties of the tip and the sample and can be used to investigate other characteristics of the sample, the tip, or the medium in-between [ 4 ]. The procedure of an AFM force measurement is schematically depicted in Figure 6 and goes as follows: the tip attached to a cantilever spring is moved towards the sample in a normal direction, during this movement the vertical position of the tip and the deflection of the cantilever are recorded and converted to force-versus-distance curves, briefly called force curves [ 1 ].

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In the early nineties only skilled and specialized physicists were able to interpret the complex behavior, which occurs after an AFM tip gets close to a specific sample surface. But these days many more researchers try to explore these measurements to better understand mechanisms behind more and more phenomena. In addition to evaluation of interaction forces between the tip and model surfaces, AFM can also produce two-dimensional chemical affinity maps by modifying the cantilever tip with specific molecules [ 19 ]. In this way even quantitative data can be gathered, which can be used to identify the forces involved in specific biological systems [ 21 ]. Figure 6. A typical force curve. When approaching the surface, the cantilever is in an equilibrium position 1 and the curve is flat. As the tip approaches the surface 2 , the cantilever is pushed up to the surface — being deflected upwards, which is seen as a sharp increase in the measured force 3.

ACCA Paper AFM exam was – March 2021 Exam – Instant Poll and comments

Once the tip starts retracting, the deflection starts to decrease and passes its equilibrium position at 4. As we start moving away from the surface the tip snaps in due to interaction with the surface, and the cantilever is deflected downwards 5. Once the tip-sample interactions are terminated due to increased distance, the tip snaps out, and returns to its equilibrium position 6. Mapping chemical functional groups and examining their interactions with different materials is of significant importance for problems ranging from lubrication and adhesion, to the recognition of biological systems and pharmacy [ 22 ].

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Changing environmental conditions during the measurement has also been extensively used to monitor changes in the interactions between different functional groups and surfaces to simulate the material behavior upon exposure to a real environment [ 23 ]. Advertisement 2. Tip functionalization At the moment, one of the most promising AFM related techniques for polymer examination is surely the chemical force microscopy CFM [ 2 , 24 ]. CFM enables the measurement of interactions appearing between polymer molecules or polymers, and different surfaces [ 23 ]. This additional information allows the prediction of final material characteristics based on the examined polymers, even before their finalization. Quantitative assessment of the involved forces and their extent makes it easier to choose the correct polymers for achieving desired interactions between the materials used in several different interest fields adhesion, adsorption, repelling etc.

AFM Final Exam Review Part 1 | Ms. Hennessey's Classroom

Multilayer polymeric materials are lately also the first choice materials for the preparation of modern wound dressings. When sticking together layers of different polymeric origins, their interaction gains importance regarding the behavior of the final product. A CFM experiment has to be conducted with specially designed tips, which for themselves act as chemical sensors. Success of such measurements is impossible without proper tips, so choosing the right ones is crucial in this regard. Many commercial ones are available at the moment, but only some exhibit characteristics that allow for a simple and repeatable functionalization. Whilst the functionalization of tips may seem quite easy during the first iteration, it quickly becomes clear, that a lot of chemical skills are needed to bind the right species to the right place in the desired amount [ 19 ].

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Additionally a lot of statistical evaluation is needed in order to prove and evaluate the success of any attachment [ 25 ]. Polymers and AFM Polymers have found their way into all fields of science and industry over the last decades. Their potential applications range from binders in batteries [ 26 ] to composite materials in drug delivery [ 27 ]. Whilst the range of possible combinations between different monomers is endless, polymers found or based on natural polymers have recently become the subject of thorough research, once again [ 28 ]. Synthetic changes to their native structure make them even more appealing; especially cellulose derivatives exhibit a lot of potential for satisfying most industrial needs [ 29 ]. Within the field of polymer sciences, AFM has been used to quantify the entropic elasticity of single polymer chains[ 30 ], the elastic moduli of nanowires [ 31 ], single polymer chain elongation [ 32 ], molecular stiffness of hyperbranched macromolecules [ 33 ], friction of single polymers on surfaces [ 34 ], influence of temperature on the stability of single chain conformation [ 35 ], and surface glass transition temperature [ 36 ].

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